Ultimate Chart of Computer Connectors / Ports | PRR

by Phil Rice
9 years ago

Updated for 2020

The world of computers has a staggering array of cables, adapters, and ports in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Most people don’t have to deal with these things on a daily basis, and one look at the back of your PC or the side of your laptop can sometimes be a bit confusing.

This handy chart is intended to help with that.

Not everything in the world is depicted here, but we’ve compiled a collection of all the common and/or major types. See anything that is incorrect, or think we should have included one you don’t see here? Drop us a comment below and we’ll make sure the next revision takes those into account. Thanks!

You can click on the image below to open a larger version where the descriptions are much easier to read.

Are you looking for a specific cable or adapter related to one of the connectors on this chart? Check out our Connectors For Sale page where you can find the adapter/cable you are looking for!

Now Available! Order this chart as a high quality glossy 24″ x 36″ poster, ready to hang! CLICK HERE.

Creative Commons License

Ultimate Chart of Computer Connectors and Ports by PRR Computers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.  

High Resolution Versions now available for download!

Now Available! Order this chart as a high quality glossy 24″ x 36″ poster, ready to hang! CLICK HERE.

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  • Sue says:

    I would like to make this into a poster for my classroom. I teach computer maintenance & networking. Is that possible? What would the size be? Thanks

  • S says:

    Thank you very much need all the help we can get these days. There is so much out there
    what ever happened to iso standard? LOL

  • Gord says:

    I suggest indicating which connectors are legacy connectors (maybe with a different color in for the text?) Just to simplify what a person needs to be concerned with from 2017 on. Also consider adding lightning connectors.

  • gaspary says:

    i will like to know more about this conection coz. i use more tyme on using computer

  • Catherine says:

    I also would like to make it into a large poster. Has anyone succeeded in doing this? When I enlarge it the words are not legible.

  • Jun says:

    Hi Phil,

    Can I also Get a high res version of this for my computer class? Many Thanks in advance.

    – Jun

  • Segun o says:

    Nice work. I would appreciate a copy of the high resolution of this too. Thanks.

  • Andrea says:

    Hi Phil,

    I teach ITE, and I would like to make this into a poster for my classroom. Can I also have a link to the high-res version of the image to print off a large copy?

    Thank you

  • Brett says:

    Could you please send high resolution to me thanks

  • Heinrich says:

    Hi Phil. May I also have the link to the high-res version of the image?

  • Roodt says:

    Hi, High resolution image please, please, please.

  • Digitutes says:

    Nice infographics…hats off

  • Roy Bonifacio says:

    Can I also get to download a better images?, thanks..

  • Mike Titchener says:

    Please may have an improved image download. Many thanks.

  • Kevin says:

    I came across your picture on pin interest. I’ve never seen one like it before and as soon as I saw it realised how incredibly helpful it is. My study is full of about 100 connectors kept over the years for different pieces of video and IT equipment – I think I have an example of every one of these!!

    At last I can sort them and decide which to keep and which to junk!

  • John says:

    Please send me the hi-res link.

    Thanks so much!

  • Lila Alevizaki says:

    Hi, High resolution image pleeeease

  • John Pleasants says:

    I would love a Hi Res. version for my new STEM class room.
    If there are large ready made prints available I can certainly compensate.

    Thank you
    John Pleasants

  • Hannu Olin says:

    Hello Phil
    Can I get the large resotution version, too. I am teaching technics and robotics in Finland. I want to make large poster in to my classroom.

  • Lucian says:

    Hi Phil,

    Thank you for this clear and structured version of most of connectors.
    Please, could I have a larger resolution version too. I’m teaching myself and I’m a visual learner.


  • Bryan says:

    Hi Phil
    Can I also get the link to the high resolution version. It would be so helpful. Thank you.

  • Carly says:

    Hello, my I also have the high res version of this please?
    Thank you!

  • P-Peerapat says:

    I would like to make this into a poster for my classroom. I teach computer maintenance & networking. Is that possible? What would the size be? Thanks

  • cheyenne says:

    Hi Phil
    May I please have a copy of the hi res copy for my classroom? My tech students would love this. Thanks

  • Dany Daniel says:

    Hi Phil, could you please send high resolution to me I also would like to make it into a large poster, Thanks

  • Randy says:

    I’d like a link to the hi-res version of this great poster.

    Maybe you could make that link public here in the comments.

    Thank you!

  • Mary says:

    Hi Phil: Do you sell the high resolution version? I’m a beginning IT student and this is incredibly helpful, as well as saving much newbie humiliation 🙂 Thank you!

  • Phil Rice says:

    Ok, whew! I think I’ve got the links sent to everyone who asked for them. For anyone who asks from now on… check the bottom of the post, the high-res links are right there for you too. Enjoy!

    We are currently testing a printed poster version of this which may be made available for sale, for those who would like to have it delivered ready to hang. If you’re interested in this, let me know in the comments and I’ll make sure you are notified first when this is ready. (I’m thinking end of May 2018.) Thank you for your support!

  • John Small Berries says:

    Suggestion for future revisions: You’ve got the DB15 MIDI/Game port introduced in the Sound Blaster, but not the standard 5-pin MIDI port offered by a number of other sound cards (and the vast array of MIDI musical equipment – even most of the devices that implement MIDI over USB also have standard MIDI ports for compatibility with other dedicated MIDI devices).

  • David says:

    Hello! I love this chart, I have it hung in my office so that when people come to me to ask about cables I can ask them to point it out for me. (It’s sounds childish, but it seems to be working wonderfully)
    Thanks for this, I hope you keep updating it yearly when new ports become available.

  • Sovanny says:

    How can i buy ultimate chart of Computer connectors and Ports with the cheap price.

    • Phil Rice says:

      Hi Sovanny, you can either purchase the poster from us on our website, or you can download the high res images from this page for free and get it printed somewhere yourself (local printer, VistaPrint, etc.).

  • Rudi says:

    Hi Phil – can I also have a link to the high-res version of the image to print off a large copy.

    Thank you,

    • Phil says:

      Hi Rudi, the links to the high-res versions of the image are now part of the blog post itself, right at the bottom of the post (before the comments section). Best regards!

  • David T Miller says:

    I need the following type of cable: USB 2.0 Type-A male to USB 2.0 Type-C male.

  • ismail inci says:

    Thank you for this beautiful chart.
    May you add GPIB interface (IEEE 488) general purpose interface bus.

  • JTEdnob says:

    I am organizing a course on IT fundamentals and would like to use the chart within my presentation. How do I go about requesting rights to use the chart solely for educational purposes?

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