Improve Your Access Management With These Super Useful Tips and Tricks - PRR Computers, LLC

by Gina Owens
3 years ago

Today’s market is relentless and the smallest mistake can harm your business in many ways. One of the reasons for data breaches and leaks of sensitive information is poor access management. Accessing business’ confidential information is usually restricted to selected personnel. However, scammers and hackers have their ways of reaching that information easily and using it against the business. 

Some employees use their access carelessly and use their credentials with untrusted websites or applications. It is essential to have strong access control in your business to protect it from various threats. Here are some effective tips and tricks that will improve your access management.

Apply Least Privilege Principle

The least privilege rule is recommended by many security experts as a reliable practice for access management. This principle states that every user has access only to information and resources needed to do their job. For example, no employee should have access to any information simply because it is more convenient for them. IT and security personnel who usually have the most access privileges should be closely monitored as they may very well be the source of a data breach.

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is quite essential for sensitive information, but it might become a hassle for daily access. It relies on several layers of authentication to ensure that the right person is accessing the data. The authentication methods include passwords, fingerprints, security questions, and verification through mobiles among other methods. MFA’s main purpose is to ensure that if one layer is compromised, the other security layers will repel any malicious activity.

Remove Superuser Access Privileges

A super-user is someone in the company that has access to all the available information, such as a business owner, CEO, or IT security staff. Having a person with such access may put your company in serious danger. A super-user may steal your company’s information and cause huge financial damage. They can also be exploited by cybercriminals to have unlimited access to your company’s confidential information. Removing access power from these individuals is necessary, but you can grant them this access authorization for a certain amount of time according to the least privilege principle.

Install a Password Manager

Restricting your employees from knowing the system password is an effective way to improve access management. A password manager is a great tool to restrict access to your system. If you want to know more about security tools, you can visit as they offer detailed information and different resources relating to access management tools. A password manager is an application that will provide your employees with passwords to access certain parts of the system. The employees won’t have to write their passwords on a piece of paper, since doing so can compromise your system’s security.

Audit User Access

It is almost impossible to review and audit access privileges and access history manually, especially for large companies. Luckily, automated monitoring helps managers to identify which applications are being accessed and who is accessing them. Additionally, this software scans the system to analyze users’ access to files and data. Reviewing access history will identify any security threats such as access attempts by unknown users, any employee being granted unauthorized access, and if any former employee still has access rights.

Centralize Access Control

Some organizations have several branches or offices, which means that each office requires its own access control system. Keeping up with each branch is a gigantic task, and transferring information between offices can cause information leaks. Using a centralized access control system, you will ensure that all the information relating to access you need is in one place, which makes it easier to manage and audit. You will be granted better visibility and control over access privileges, information, and history.

Improve Mobile and Working from Home Access

Many employees work out of the office, whether because their job requires them to go out of the office, or because they are working from home. However, they are susceptible to cyberattacks on their devices or network, which can compromise your system. Encrypting the connection between your system and employees’ devices will improve your system security and reduce the risk of cyberattacks. Having access to your employees’ devices can also be beneficial, as you can delete all company information if the device is lost or stolen.

Access management is essential for every company as it is the main line of defense against cyberattacks and malicious activities. Spending money on access management shouldn’t be an issue, as losing your information can cost you much more. These tips and tricks will set your company on the right path to managing access control efficiently.


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